Registers an HTTP handler matching specified URL pattern on any HTTP method.
Registers an HTTP CONNECT handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP DELETE handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP GET handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP HEAD handler matching specified URL pattern.
Listens to hostname & port. Callback hands either false or a listen socket.
Listens to port. Callback hands either false or a listen socket.
Listens to port and sets Listen Options. Callback hands either false or a listen socket.
Returns number of subscribers for this topic.
Registers an HTTP OPTIONS handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP PATCH handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP POST handler matching specified URL pattern.
Publishes a message under topic, for all WebSockets under this app. See WebSocket.publish.
Registers an HTTP PUT handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers an HTTP TRACE handler matching specified URL pattern.
Registers a handler matching specified URL pattern where WebSocket upgrade requests are caught.
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TemplatedApp is either an SSL or non-SSL app. See App for more info, read user manual.