*µWebSockets™ (it's "[micro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro-)") is simple, secure & standards compliant web I/O for the most demanding*<sup>[[1]](https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets/tree/master/benchmarks)</sup>*of applications.*
This project is not your typical "web framework" a la 500 lines of JavaScript and a fancy logo. You're looking at a 3-part software suite of ~7k lines of C & C++, working in unison with Google V8 to bring you one of the most memory scalable and performant I/O scriping environment available.
[Read the Medium post](https://levelup.gitconnected.com/will-node-js-forever-be-the-sluggish-golang-f632130e5c7a)
### No compiler needed.
We use AppVeyor & TravisCI to automatically pre-compile binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows with every push. New releases are tagged from branch `binaries` and can be installed [using NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install) like so:
Proper streaming of huge data is supported over Http/Https and demonstrated with examples. Here's a shot of me watching real-time streamed HD video from Node.js while simultaneously scoring a 115k req/sec with wrk. For my computer, that's about 5x that of vanilla Node.js (without any HD video streaming/playing).
In the following charts "µWS v0.15" denote the C++ project - performance retention for µWebSockets.js inside of V8 is about 65-75%, similar to or above the top performing Golang modules. User space memory usage for a million WebSockets is in the 100-400mb range.