In a collaboration with the Socialen Bar we are building a sign with the 8 letters of S O C I A L E N designed by 8 different artists. They will then be mounted on an indoor balcony railing in the bar and light the way to new encouters.
We decided on a type that has been used already in the communication. Avenir Black. Choosen because it resembles the type used by the actual governmental agency Socialtjänsten.
All letter are being cut out times 2 to create a space between them where we can hide cords and stuff. They are being cut by Daniel A on hos full size CNC at Värmeverket in Bredäng.
The pitch to the artists is being set. You need to make a dressing to your letter that uses three dimensions and include some sort of lighting.
In week 4 we collect all letters and make sure they meet the requirements and look good together. We then use one week to do adjustments.
The electronics
We use one usb-charger hub with 8 outlets. Every letter then gets a maximum of 1,2 A and 5 V. In terms of ws2812b that is approximatly 18 st on full power. (all on all white full brightness).
Every letter will get an esp to ensure that the usb-charger station provides the needed amout of power and to make it possible further on to controll the lights.
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