699 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
699 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# HBase Prometheus Exporter
# Björn Busse <bj.rn@baerlin.eu>
# * Remove timestamp from log msg or make them optional,
# we already have it in the journal -
# at least when not running in a container
# * Ask ZooKeeper directly for active namenode/hbase master
# * Add hdfs/hbase binaries to container
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from flatten_json import flatten
import io
import json
from kazoo.client import KazooClient
import logging
import os
from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Summary
from prometheus_client.core import GaugeMetricFamily, REGISTRY
from prometheus_client import Gauge
import random
import re
import requests
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
import sys
import time
import traceback
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
tmp_path = '/tmp/'
logpath = tmp_path
# ZooKeeper
zk_reconnect_interval_s = 30
prom_scrape_interval_s = 10
# Prom vars
REQUEST_TIME = Summary('request_processing_seconds', 'Time spent processing request')
prom_hbase_num_regions_in_transition_stale = Gauge('number_of_regions_in_transition_stale', 'Number of stale regions in transition')
prom_hbase_num_inconsistencies = Gauge('number_of_inconsistencies', 'Number of inconsistencies in HBase')
prom_hdfs_total = Gauge('hdfs_bytes_total', 'HDFS total bytes')
prom_hdfs_used = Gauge('hdfs_bytes_used', 'HDFS used bytes')
prom_hdfs_remaining = Gauge('hdfs_bytes_remaining', 'HDFS remaining bytes')
prom_hdfs_num_datanodes_live = Gauge('hdfs_datanodes_live', 'HDFS Live DataNodes')
prom_hdfs_num_datanodes_dead = Gauge('hdfs_datanodes_dead', 'HDFS Dead DataNodes')
prom_hbase_up = Gauge('hbase_up', 'HBase is up and running, a master is elected')
prom_hbase_healthy = Gauge('hbase_healthy', 'HBase is up and running, a master is elected, no inconsistencies are detected, hbase is queryable')
prom_hbase_num_regionservers_live = Gauge('hbase_regionservers_live', 'HBase Live Regionservers')
prom_hbase_num_regionservers_dead = Gauge('hbase_regionservers_dead', 'HBase Dead Regionservers')
prom_hbase_num_clusterrequests = Gauge('hbase_clusterrequests', 'HBase Clusterrequests')
prom_hbase_regions_in_transition_stale = Gauge('regions_in_transition_stale', 'Number of stale regions in transition')
prom_zookeeper_num = Gauge('zookeeper_num', 'Known ZooKeeper Servers')
prom_zookeeper_num_live = Gauge('zookeeper_num_live', 'Live ZooKeeper Servers')
prom_zookeeper_has_leader = Gauge('zookeeper_has_leader', 'ZooKeeper cluser has a leader')
# HDFS/HBase
hdfs_config_file = "/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"
cmd_hbase_active_master = ['/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin/hbase-jruby', '/usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin/get-active-master.rb']
cmd_hbase_hbck = ['hbase', 'hbck']
cmd_hbase_write = ['/tmp/hbase-write.py']
cmd_hdfs_namenodes = ['hdfs', 'getconf', '-namenodes']
# Use command line arguments to set the following vars
# Do not change them here (See TODO)
namenodes = ""
namenode_use_tls = False
hbase_master_ui_default_port = 16010
hdfs_namenode_default_port = 50070
cluster_is_kerberized = False
class zk():
zk_client = ""
def main(self, address_list, use_tls, timeout=5):
addresses = ','.join(address_list)
zk_client = KazooClient(addresses, use_ssl=use_tls, read_only=True)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("ZooKeeper Error: " + str(e))
return False
self.zk_client = zk_client
return True
def listener(state):
if state == kz_client.KazooState.CONNECTED:
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Client connected")
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Failed to connect to ZooKeeper")
def get_znode_data(self, znode):
data = ""
except Exception as e:
logging.info("ZooKeeper: znode does not exist: " + znode)
return False
data = self.zk_client.get(znode)
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Could not get znode data from " + znode)
return False
return data
def listener(state):
if state == KazooState.LOST:
logging.debug("ZooKeeper: Connection lost")
# Register somewhere that the session was lost
elif state == KazooState.SUSPENDED:
logging.debug("ZooKeeper: Connection suspended")
# Handle being disconnected from Zookeeper
logging.debug("ZooKeeper: Connection re-established")
# Handle being connected/reconnected to Zookeeper
def active_servers(address_list):
zk_has_leader = 0
zk_leader_address = ""
num_active_servers = 0
re_mode = re.compile(r'^Mode:\s*(.+?)\s*$')
for address in address_list:
cmd = 'echo stat | nc ' + address + ' 2181'
p = Popen(['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False)
output, error = p.communicate()
output = output.splitlines()
error = error.splitlines()
for line in output:
match = re_mode.match(line.decode('utf-8'))
if match:
mode = match.group(1)
logging.info("zk: server %s: %s", address, mode)
num_active_servers += 1
if match.group(1) == "leader":
has_leader = 1
zk_leader_address = address
for line in error:
logging.info("zk: %d active ZooKeeper servers", num_active_servers)
if has_leader:
logging.info("zk: Zookeeper has leader: True")
logging.info("zk: leader: %s", zk_leader_address)
logging.info("zk: Zookeeper has leader: False")
class jmx_query():
def __init__(self, relay_complete_jmx):
self.relay_complete_jmx = relay_complete_jmx
self.prom_jmx_keys = []
self.prom_jmx = {}
def main(self, hdfs_namenode_hosts):
hdfs_active_namenode = self.get_active_namenode(hdfs_namenode_hosts)
hbase_active_master = hbase_exporter.get_active_master()
if not hdfs_active_namenode:
logging.info("Failed to determine active HDFS namenode")
return False
if not hbase_active_master:
logging.info("Failed to determine active HBase master")
return False
url = self.get_url('hdfs', hdfs_active_namenode)
url = self.get_url('hbase', hbase_active_master)
def get_url(self, service, hostname):
if (namenode_use_tls):
url_scheme = "https://"
url_scheme = "http://"
if service == 'hdfs':
url = url_scheme + hostname + ":" + str(hdfs_namenode_default_port) + "/jmx"
elif service == 'hbase':
url = url_scheme + hostname + ":" + str(hbase_master_ui_default_port) + "/jmx"
return url
def get_jmx_data(self, url):
logging.info("Fetching jmx data")
jmx = self.query(url)
if (jmx == False):
logging.info("Could not read jmx data from: " + url)
return False
for k, v in jmx.items():
if not v is None:
self.lookup_keys(k, v)
return True
def get_active_namenode(self, hdfs_namenode_hosts):
if not which(cmd_hdfs_namenodes[0]):
logging.info("Could not find hdfs executable in PATH")
return False
r = subprocess.run(cmd_hdfs_namenodes, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Type error: " + str(e))
return False
hosts = r.stdout.decode('utf-8').split(" ")
tree = et.parse(hdfs_config_file)
root = tree.getroot()
has_ha_element = False
active_namenode = None
for property in root:
if "dfs.ha.namenodes" in property.find("name").text:
has_ha_element = True
nameservice_id = property.find("name").text[len("dfs.ha.namenodes")+1:]
namenodes = property.find("value").text.split(",")
for node in namenodes:
# Get namenode address and check if it is the active node
for n in root:
prefix = "dfs.namenode.rpc-address." + nameservice_id + "."
element_text = n.find("name").text
if prefix in element_text:
node_address = n.find("value").text.split(":")[0]
# Needs to either run with root privileges or as hdfs user
cmd = ['hdfs haadmin -getServiceState ' + node]
r = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if len(r.stderr.decode("utf-8")) > 0:
if "active" in r.stdout.decode("utf-8").lower():
logging.info("Active namenode: " + node_address + " (" + node + ")")
return node_address
if has_ha_element:
logging.info("Hadoop High-Availability: True")
logging.info("Hadoop High-Availability: False")
return False
def query(self, url):
r = requests.get(url)
except Exception as e:
logging.info("Could not connect to: " + url)
return False
jmx = json.loads(r.text)
jmx = flatten(jmx)
def lookup_keys(self, key, value):
denylist = ["Name", "name", "Type", "Object",
"ObjectName", "Valid", "tag.Context", "tag.Hostname"]
if key.endswith("capacityUsed"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("capacityTotal"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("capacityRemaining"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("NumLiveDataNodes"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("NumDeadDataNodes"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("numRegionServers"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("numDeadRegionServers"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
elif key.endswith("clusterRequests"):
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + key)
if not self.relay_complete_jmx:
jmx_key = key.split("_", 2)
if jmx_key[2] not in denylist:
jmx_key = "jmx_" + key
jmx_key = jmx_key.replace(".", "_")
jmx_key = jmx_key.replace("-", "_")
logging.debug("Found jmx key: " + jmx_key)
if not isinstance(value, str) and not type(value) is list:
prom_jmx_key = "prom_" + jmx_key
# Check if key is already registered
if prom_jmx_key not in self.prom_jmx_keys:
self.prom_jmx[prom_jmx_key] = Gauge(prom_jmx_key, prom_jmx_key)
# Set prometheys value
class hbase_exporter():
def main(self, hbase_master_hosts):
hbase_active_master = self.get_active_master()
if not hbase_active_master:
logging.info("Failed to determine active HBase master")
return False
def check_health(self):
if self.num_inconsistencies == -1:
return False
elif self.num_inconsistencies > 0:
return False
if self.num_regions_in_transition_stale > 0:
return False
if self.hbase_write_success != 0:
return False
return True
def get_active_master():
if not which(cmd_hbase_active_master[0]):
logging.info("Could not find hdfs executable in PATH")
return False
r = subprocess.run(cmd_hbase_active_master, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return False
if 'Master not running' in r.stdout.decode('utf-8'):
return False
active_master = r.stdout.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
logging.info("Active master: " + active_master)
return active_master
def get_stale_regions_in_transition(self, hbase_master):
host = hbase_master.rstrip("\n\r")
port = hbase_master_ui_default_port
url = 'http://%(host)s:%(port)s/master-status' % locals()
logging.debug('GET %s', url)
req = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
logging.debug('Failed to request ' + url)
return False
logging.debug("Response: %s %s", req.status_code, req.reason)
if req.status_code != 200:
logging.debug('Got a http return code != 200')
num_regions_in_transition_stale = self.hbaseui_parse_output(req.content)
if num_regions_in_transition_stale is None:
logging.debug('Parse error - failed to find number of stale regions in transition')
if not isinstance(num_regions_in_transition_stale, int):
logging.debug('Parse error - got non-integer for stale regions in transition')
msg = '{0} stale regions in transition '\
self.num_regions_in_transition_stale = num_regions_in_transition_stale
def hbaseui_parse_output(self, content):
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
num_regions_in_transition_stale = 0
headings = soup.findAll('h2')
for heading in headings:
if heading.get_text() == "Regions in Transition":
logging.debug('Found Regions in Transition section header')
logging.debug('Looking for table')
table = heading.find_next('table')
num_regions_in_transition_stale = self.hbaseui_parse_table(table)
if not isinstance(num_regions_in_transition_stale, int):
logging.debug('Got non-integer \'{0}\' for stale regions in transition when parsing HBase Master UI'\
return num_regions_in_transition_stale
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
logging.info('Failed to parse HBase Master UI status page')
def hbck_get_inconsistencies(self):
re_status = re.compile(r'^Status:\s*(.+?)\s*$')
re_duplicate = re.compile(r'(.*)ERROR\s\[main\]\sutil\.HBaseFsck\:\sAnother\sinstance\sof\shbck\sis\srunning(.*)$')
re_inconsistencies = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+inconsistencies\s+detected\.?\s*$')
self.num_inconsistencies = None
hbck_status = None
logging.info("HBase: Running hbck consistency check")
p = Popen(['hbase', 'hbck'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False)
output, error = p.communicate()
output = output.splitlines()
error = error.splitlines()
for line in output:
match = re_inconsistencies.match(line.decode('utf-8'))
if match:
self.num_inconsistencies = match.group(1)
logging.info('Number of inconsistencies: %s', self.num_inconsistencies)
match = re_status.match(line.decode('utf-8'))
if match:
hbck_status = match.group(1)
logging.info('hbase-hbck: hbck status = %s', hbck_status)
for line in error:
match = re_duplicate.match(line.decode('utf-8'))
if match:
hbck_status = match.group(0)
logging.info('hbase-hbck: hbck status = %s', hbck_status)
if hbck_status is None:
logging.info('hbase-hbck: Failed to find hbck status result')
if self.num_inconsistencies is None:
logging.info('hbase-hbck: Failed to find number of inconsistencies')
self.num_inconsistencies = -1
if self.num_inconsistencies != None:
self.num_inconsistencies = int(self.num_inconsistencies)
if not isinstance(self.num_inconsistencies, int):
logging.info('hbase-hbck: Non-integer detected for the number of inconsistencies')
self.num_inconsistencies = -1
return False
if p.returncode != 0:
logging.info("hbase-hbck: Failed to run hbck (%d)" % (p.returncode))
self.num_inconsistencies = -1
return False
def hbaseui_parse_table(table):
for row in table.findChildren('tr'):
for col in row.findChildren('td'):
if 'Regions in Transition for more than ' in col.get_text():
next_sibling = col.findNext('td')
num_regions_in_transition_stale = next_sibling.get_text().strip()
return num_regions_in_transition_stale
return None
def hbase_write_test(self):
hbase_write_env = os.environ.copy()
p = Popen(cmd_hbase_write, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False, env=hbase_write_env)
output, error = p.communicate()
output = output.decode("utf-8", "strict").splitlines()
error = error.decode("utf-8", "strict").splitlines()
logging.info("hbase-write: return code: %d", p.returncode)
for line in output:
logging.info("hbase-write: %s", line)
for line in error:
logging.info("hbase-write: %s", line)
if p.returncode != 0:
self.hbase_write_success = 0
return False
self.hbase_write_success = 1
return True
def which(program):
def is_executable(fn):
return os.path.isfile(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK)
filepath, fname = os.path.split(program)
if filepath:
if is_executable(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
exec_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if is_executable(exec_file):
return exec_file
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
hbase_master_default_address = 'localhost:' + str(hbase_master_ui_default_port)
hdfs_namenode_default_address = 'localhost:' + str(hdfs_namenode_default_port)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="")
parser.add_argument('--hbase-master', dest='hbase_master', action='append', help="HBase master address, can be specified multiple times", type=str, default=hbase_master_default_address)
parser.add_argument('--hdfs-namenode', dest='hdfs_namenode', action='append', help="HDFS namenode address, can be specified multiple times", type=str, default=hdfs_namenode_default_address)
parser.add_argument('--zookeeper-server-address', dest='zk_server', action='append', help="ZooKeeper server address, can be specified multiple times", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--zookeeper-use-tls', dest='zk_use_tls', help="Use TLS when connecting to ZooKeeper", type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--prometheus-exporter-port', dest='prom_http_port', help="Listen port for Prometheus export", type=int, default=9010)
parser.add_argument('--relay-jmx', dest='relay_jmx', help="Relay complete JMX data", type=bool, default=False)
parser.add_argument('--logfile', dest='logfile', help="Path to optional logfile", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', dest='loglevel', help="Loglevel, default: INFO", type=str, default='INFO')
args = parser.parse_args()
prom_http_port = args.prom_http_port
logfile = args.logfile
loglevel = args.loglevel
zk_server = args.zk_server
zk_use_tls = args.zk_use_tls
hbase_master = args.hbase_master
hdfs_namenodes = args.hdfs_namenode
relay_complete_jmx = args.relay_jmx
del locals()['args']
nzk_server = len(zk_server)
# Optional File Logging
if logfile:
tlog = logfile.rsplit('/', 1)
logpath = tlog[0]
logfile = tlog[1]
if not os.access(logpath, os.W_OK):
# Our logger is not set up yet, so we use print here
print("Logging: Can not write to directory. Skippking filelogging handler")
fn = logpath + '/' + logfile
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=fn)
# Our logger is not set up yet, so we use print here
print("Logging: Logging to " + fn)
stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
if 'file_handler' in locals():
handlers = [file_handler, stdout_handler]
handlers = [stdout_handler]
format='[%(asctime)s] {%(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
level = logging.getLevelName(loglevel)
# Start the Prometheus server
except Exception as e:
logging.debug("Failed to start Prometheus webserver: " + str(e))
logging.info("There might be another instance of " + sys.argv[0] + \
" already running, can not bind to " + str(prom_http_port) + ", exiting..")
nruns = 0
# Start a ZooKeeper client
# for each configured ZooKeeper server
r = False
nzk = 0
# Try to connect to one of the known servers
while not r:
r = zk.main(zk_server, zk_use_tls)
if cluster_is_kerberized:
znode_hbase = "/hbase"
znode_hbase = "/hbase-unsecure"
clusterid = zk.get_znode_data(znode_hbase + "/hbaseid")
if not clusterid:
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Could not read clusterid")
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Clusterid: " + str(clusterid[0]))
jmx = jmx_query(relay_complete_jmx)
while True:
m = zk.get_znode_data(znode_hbase + "/master")
if not m:
logging.info("ZooKeeper: Failed to get HBase master")
logging.info("ZooKeeper: " + str(m[0]))
nruns += 1
if nruns == 1:
logging.info("Started HBase exporter")