#include #include #include #include /* List of platform features */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define OS "win32" #define IS_WINDOWS #endif #ifdef __linux #define OS "linux" #define IS_LINUX #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define OS "darwin" #define IS_MACOS #endif /* System, but with string replace */ int run(const char *cmd, ...) { char buf[512]; va_list args; va_start(args, cmd); vsprintf(buf, cmd, args); va_end(args); printf("--> %s\n\n", buf); return system(buf); } /* List of Node.js versions */ struct node_version { char *name; char *abi; } versions[] = { {"v10.17.0", "64"}, {"v11.15.0", "67"}, {"v12.13.0", "72"}, {"v13.1.0", "79"} }; /* Downloads headers, creates folders */ void prepare() { if (run("mkdir dist") || run("mkdir targets")) { return; } /* For all versions */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(versions) / sizeof(struct node_version); i++) { run("curl -OJ https://nodejs.org/dist/%s/node-%s-headers.tar.gz", versions[i].name, versions[i].name); run("tar xzf node-%s-headers.tar.gz -C targets", versions[i].name); run("curl https://nodejs.org/dist/%s/win-x64/node.lib > targets/node-%s/node.lib", versions[i].name, versions[i].name); } } /* Build for Unix systems */ void build(char *compiler, char *cpp_compiler, char *cpp_linker, char *os, char *arch) { char *c_shared = "-DLIBUS_USE_LIBUV -flto -O3 -c -fPIC -I uWebSockets/uSockets/src uWebSockets/uSockets/src/*.c uWebSockets/uSockets/src/eventing/*.c"; char *cpp_shared = "-DLIBUS_USE_LIBUV -flto -O3 -c -fPIC -std=c++17 -I uWebSockets/uSockets/src -I uWebSockets/src src/addon.cpp"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(versions) / sizeof(struct node_version); i++) { run("%s %s -I targets/node-%s/include/node", compiler, c_shared, versions[i].name); run("%s %s -I targets/node-%s/include/node", cpp_compiler, cpp_shared, versions[i].name); run("%s %s %s -o dist/uws_%s_%s_%s.node", cpp_compiler, "-flto -O3 *.o -std=c++17 -shared", cpp_linker, os, arch, versions[i].abi); } } void copy_files() { #ifdef IS_WINDOWS run("copy \"src\\uws.js\" dist /Y"); #else run("cp src/uws.js dist/uws.js"); #endif } /* Special case for windows */ void build_windows(char *arch) { /* For all versions */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(versions) / sizeof(struct node_version); i++) { run("cl /D \"LIBUS_USE_LIBUV\" /std:c++17 /I uWebSockets/uSockets/src uWebSockets/uSockets/src/*.c " "uWebSockets/uSockets/src/eventing/*.c /I targets/node-%s/include/node /I uWebSockets/src /EHsc " "/Ox /LD /Fedist/uws_win32_%s_%s.node src/addon.cpp targets/node-%s/node.lib", versions[i].name, arch, versions[i].abi, versions[i].name); } } int main() { printf("[Preparing]\n"); prepare(); printf("\n[Building]\n"); #ifdef IS_WINDOWS build_windows("x64"); #else #ifdef IS_MACOS /* Apple special case */ build("clang -mmacosx-version-min=10.7", "clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.7", "-undefined dynamic_lookup", OS, "x64"); #else /* Linux */ build("clang", "clang++", "-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -s", OS, "x64"); /* If linux we also want arm64 */ build("aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc", "aarch64-linux-gnu-g++", "-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -s", OS, "arm64"); #endif #endif copy_files(); }