/* This is an example of async streaming of large files. * Try navigating to the adderss with Chrome and see the video * in real time. */ const uWS = require('../dist/uws.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const port = 9001; const fileName = '/home/alexhultman/Downloads/Sintel.2010.720p.mkv'; const totalSize = fs.statSync(fileName).size; console.log('Video size is: ' + totalSize + ' bytes'); /* Helper function converting Node.js buffer to ArrayBuffer */ function toArrayBuffer(buffer) { return buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteOffset + buffer.byteLength); } /* Helper function to pipe the ReadaleStream over an Http responses */ function pipeStreamOverResponse(res, readStream, totalSize) { /* Careful! If Node.js would emit error before the first res.tryEnd, res will hang and never time out */ /* For this demo, I skipped checking for Node.js errors, you are free to PR fixes to this example */ readStream.on('data', (chunk) => { /* We only take standard V8 units of data */ const ab = toArrayBuffer(chunk); /* Stream as far as we can */ let lastOffset = res.getWriteOffset(); if (!res.tryEnd(ab, totalSize)) { /* If we could not send this chunk, pause */ readStream.pause(); /* Save unsent chunk for when we can send it */ res.ab = ab; res.abOffset = lastOffset; /* Register async handlers for drainage */ res.onWritable((offset) => { if (res.tryEnd(res.ab.slice(offset - res.abOffset), totalSize)) { readStream.resume(); return true; } return false; }); } }).on('end', () => { /* Todo: handle errors of the stream, probably good to simply close the response */ }); /* If you plan to asyncronously respond later on, you MUST listen to onAborted BEFORE returning */ res.onAborted(() => { console.log('Res is no longer valid!'); readStream.destroy(); }); } /* Yes, you can easily swap to SSL streaming by uncommenting here */ const app = uWS.SSLApp({ key_file_name: '/home/alexhultman/key.pem', cert_file_name: '/home/alexhultman/cert.pem', passphrase: '1234' }).get('/sintel.mkv', (res, req) => { /* Log */ console.log("Streaming Sintel video..."); /* Create read stream with Node.js and start streaming over Http */ const readStream = fs.createReadStream(fileName); pipeStreamOverResponse(res, readStream, totalSize); }).get('/*', (res, req) => { /* Make sure to always handle every route */ res.end('Nothing to see here!'); }).listen(port, (token) => { if (token) { console.log('Listening to port ' + port); } else { console.log('Failed to listen to port ' + port); } });