/* SSL/non-SSL example with async/await functions */ async function someAsyncTask() { return 'Hey wait for me!'; } const uWS = require('../dist/uws.js'); const port = 9001; const app = uWS./*SSL*/App({ key_file_name: 'misc/key.pem', cert_file_name: 'misc/cert.pem', passphrase: '1234' }).get('/*', async (res) => { /* Can't return or yield from here without responding or attaching an abort handler */ res.onAborted(() => { res.aborted = true; }); /* Awaiting will yield and effectively return to C++, so you need to have called onAborted */ let r = await someAsyncTask(); /* If we were aborted, you cannot respond */ if (!res.aborted) { res.end(r); } }).listen(port, (token) => { if (token) { console.log('Listening to port ' + port); } else { console.log('Failed to listen to port ' + port); } });