import reducer, { broadcast, getMessageTab } from '../messages'; import * as actions from '../actions'; import appReducer from '../app'; describe('message reducer', () => { it('adds the message on ADD_MESSAGE', () => { const state = reducer(undefined, { type: actions.ADD_MESSAGE, server: 'srv', tab: '#chan1', message: { from: 'foo', content: 'msg' } }); expect(state).toMatchObject({ srv: { '#chan1': [ { from: 'foo', content: 'msg' } ] } }); }); it('adds all the messages on ADD_MESSAGES', () => { const state = reducer(undefined, { type: actions.ADD_MESSAGES, server: 'srv', tab: '#chan1', messages: [ { from: 'foo', content: 'msg' }, { from: 'bar', content: 'msg' }, { tab: '#chan2', from: 'foo', content: 'msg' } ] }); expect(state).toMatchObject({ srv: { '#chan1': [ { from: 'foo', content: 'msg' }, { from: 'bar', content: 'msg' } ], '#chan2': [ { from: 'foo', content: 'msg' } ] } }); }); it('handles prepending of messages on ADD_MESSAGES', () => { let state = { srv: { '#chan1': [{ id: 0 }] } }; state = reducer(state, { type: actions.ADD_MESSAGES, server: 'srv', tab: '#chan1', prepend: true, messages: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }] }); expect(state).toMatchObject({ srv: { '#chan1': [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 0 }] } }); }); it('adds messages to the correct tabs when broadcasting', () => { let state = { app: appReducer(undefined, { type: '' }) }; const thunk = broadcast('test', 'srv', ['#chan1', '#chan3']); thunk( action => { state.messages = reducer(undefined, action); }, () => state ); const messages = state.messages; expect(messages.srv).not.toHaveProperty('srv'); expect(messages.srv['#chan1']).toHaveLength(1); expect(messages.srv['#chan1'][0].content).toBe('test'); expect(messages.srv['#chan3']).toHaveLength(1); expect(messages.srv['#chan3'][0].content).toBe('test'); }); it('deletes all messages related to server when disconnecting', () => { let state = { srv: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg1' }, { content: 'msg2' }], '#chan2': [{ content: 'msg' }] }, srv2: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg' }] } }; state = reducer(state, { type: actions.DISCONNECT, server: 'srv' }); expect(state).toEqual({ srv2: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg' }] } }); }); it('deletes all messages related to channel when parting', () => { let state = { srv: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg1' }, { content: 'msg2' }], '#chan2': [{ content: 'msg' }] }, srv2: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg' }] } }; state = reducer(state, { type: actions.PART, server: 'srv', channels: ['#chan1'] }); expect(state).toEqual({ srv: { '#chan2': [{ content: 'msg' }] }, srv2: { '#chan1': [{ content: 'msg' }] } }); }); }); describe('getMessageTab()', () => { it('returns the correct tab', () => { const srv = ''; [ ['#cake', '#cake'], ['#apple.pie', '#apple.pie'], ['bob', 'bob'], [undefined, srv], [null, srv], ['*', srv], [srv, srv], ['', srv] ].forEach(([target, expected]) => expect(getMessageTab(srv, target)).toBe(expected) ); }); });