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# ==========================================================================
# Golang Pre-Commit Hooks | https://github.com/tekwizely/pre-commit-golang
# Visit the project home page to learn more about the available Hooks,
# including useful arguments you might want to pass into them.
# File-Based Hooks:
# Run against matching staged files individually.
# Module-Based Hooks:
# Run against module root folders containing matching staged files.
# Package-Based Hooks:
# Run against folders containing one or more staged files.
# Repo-Based Hooks:
# Run against the entire repo.
# The hooks only run once (if any matching files are staged),
# and are NOT provided the list of staged files,
# Hook Suffixes
# Hooks have suffixes in their name that indicate their targets:
# +-----------+--------------+
# | Suffix | Target |
# |-----------+--------------+
# | <none> | Files |
# | -mod | Module |
# | -pkg | Package |
# | -repo-mod | All Modules |
# | -repo-pkg | All Packages |
# +-----------+--------------+
# ! Multiple Hook Invocations
# ! Due to OS command-line-length limits, Pre-Commit can invoke a hook
# ! multiple times if a large number of files are staged.
# ! For file and repo-based hooks, this isn't an issue, but for module
# ! and package-based hooks, there is a potential for the hook to run
# ! against the same module or package multiple times, duplicating any
# ! errors or warnings.
# Useful Hook Parameters:
# - id: hook-id
# args: [arg1, arg2, ..., '--'] # Pass options ('--' is optional)
# always_run: true # Run even if no matching files staged
# alias: hook-alias # Create an alias
# Passing Options To Hooks:
# If your options contain a reference to an existing file, then you will
# need to use a trailing '--' argument to separate the hook options from
# the modified-file list that Pre-Commit passes into the hook.
# NOTE: For repo-based hooks, '--' is not needed.
# Always Run:
# By default, hooks ONLY run when matching file types are staged.
# When configured to "always_run", a hook is executed as if EVERY matching
# file were staged.
# Aliases:
# Consider adding aliases to longer-named hooks for easier CLI usage.
# ==========================================================================
- repo: https://github.com/tekwizely/pre-commit-golang
rev: master
# Go Build
# - id: go-build-mod
# - id: go-build-pkg
# - id: go-build-repo-mod
# - id: go-build-repo-pkg
# Go Test
- id: go-test-mod
# - id: go-test-pkg
# - id: go-test-repo-mod
# - id: go-test-repo-pkg
# Go Vet
# - id: go-vet
- id: go-vet-mod
# - id: go-vet-pkg
# - id: go-vet-repo-mod
# - id: go-vet-repo-pkg
# Formatters
# - id: go-fmt
# - id: go-imports # Replaces go-fmt
- id: go-returns # Replaces go-imports & go-fmt
# Style Checkers
- id: go-lint
- id: go-critic
# GolangCI-Lint
# - Fast Multi-Linter
# - Can be configured to replace MOST other hooks
# - Supports repo config file for configuration
# - https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint
# - id: golangci-lint
- id: golangci-lint-mod
# - id: golangci-lint-pkg
# - id: golangci-lint-repo-mod
# - id: golangci-lint-repo-pkg
- repo: https://github.com/prettier/prettier
rev: "master"
- id: prettier